Supervision Outside Puerto Rico

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How may I serve my supervised release in another state outside the District of Puerto Rico?


In order to serve your supervised release term in another state, the following procedure must be completed:

  1. You have to submit a letter for relocation in which it is indicated the following:
    • Specific address of residence (Public housing project nor housing under Section 8 is allowed)
    • Evidence of a room in said property to sleep (a couch is not allowed).
  2. After the US Probation Office receives your request, the officer submits a letter to the other district in which either:
    • a relocation request (stay in other district is for more than three months);or,
    • a courtesy supervision (duration of stay is 90 days) is requested.
  3. If either of the options are accepted and authorization is granted by the receiving district, the US probation officer will send them the following documentation:
    • a relocation request letter,
    • a copy of the Judgment and Order, and
    • a pre-sentence report.
  4. If the process concerns a relocation procedure, a transfer of jurisdiction of the case is requested.